Code of conduct

quality and certifications

The aim is to have principles and rules of action for all the Group’s stakeholders, and that all those who form part of Fruits de Ponent act in a way that is consistent with the values, policies and overall goals of the company.

Ethical principles of the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group

The Management of the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group makes ethical and socially responsible commitments, integrating them in the organisation and amongst partners, and signing the United Nations Global Compact.

We have established an Ethics Management Policy, a Code of Ethics and an Ethics Management Committee according to the SGE 21 Standard to promote values such as honesty, transparency and loyalty. This makes us a socially responsible organisation, contributing to sustainable and economically viable development.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Communicate and promote corporate values and policies.
  • Support employees in personal and professional problems.
  • Maintain fair and equitable relations.
  • Establish transparent communication channels.
  • Prioritise business objectives to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Commit to comply with legal requirements and other commitments.

Customer relations are based on respect, honesty, trust and quality. The Sales Manager, the Technical Manager and the Quality Manager enable two-way communication with their customers.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Maintain an honest and transparent relationship with customers to ensure quality.
  • Innovate with research centres to improve fruit.
  • Adapt services according to customers’ needs.
  • Have staff trained to resolve issues and treat customers with respect.
  • Handle suggestions and complaints fairly.
  • Maintain confidentiality of customer data and comply with data protection regulations.

Suppliers and subcontractors are crucial to our organisation. Our relationship is based on the mutual performance of objectives and contracts in the best interest of customers.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Respect, trust and support suppliers.
  • Demand compliance with agreements and pay on time.
  • Avoid unnecessary litigation.
  • Push for ethical and socially responsible suppliers.
  • Not accept gifts that could influence favourable deals.
  • Comply with the Public Procurement Act

The people that make up the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group must have a solid ethical foundation in order to reinforce the ethical and socially responsible management of the company.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Establish the Ethics Committee as a forum to discuss and address the needs of staff in a confidential manner.
  • Establish effective communication and coordination to improve efficiency and promote a culture of trust.
  • Provide training as required, including aspects of the Code of Ethics and the Ethical Management System.
  • Evaluate and recognise work objectively, offering opportunities for promotion.
  • Commitment in the execution of the company’s strategic actions, showing professionalism and responsibility towards customers and suppliers.
  • Monitor the working environment and take measures to improve it.
  • Avoid contractual relationships or uses of the company’s name that could damage loyalty.
  • Use resources in a sustainable way.
  • Guarantee a balanced workforce without discrimination.
  • Respect freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  • Offer reconciliation policies and comply with labour and risk prevention legislation.

The Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group is a key economic driver for Alcarràs, as many farmers in the area depend on its production, directly and indirectly benefiting the local community. The social environment is crucial for company management.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Support local social and economic development projects.
  • Prioritise the safety of staff and customers, complying with health and safety regulations.
  • Supervise employees’ and suppliers’ compliance with labour, environmental and health legislation.
  • Avoid misleading information and immediately correct misunderstandings.
  • Inform the media in a transparent and objective manner.
  • Ensure that all advertising is fair and legal.
  • Reject and combat corruption and bribery.

The company’s management integrates environmental protection into its corporate culture as part of its commitment to sustainable development. We are ISO 14001:2015 certified.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Prevent environmental impacts and contribute to sustainable development.
  • Protect the environment with viable technology and continuous improvement.
  • Develop environmental goals involving all staff.
  • Be transparent in environmental management involving all staff.
  • Promote responsible organisational restructuring.

The Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group is a second-degree cooperative made up of various first-degree cooperatives. The statutes define the objective and protocols with partners.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Transparently share audited financial statements.
  • Develop strategies for farm viability.
  • Value women’s role in agricultural management and traditions.
  • Meet the needs of older members with respect, quality and well-being.

The Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group is part of different business groups in the same sector with the aim of improving competitiveness.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Maintain dialogue and collaboration for the benefit of the fruit sector.
  • Value respectful and collaborative relationships as beneficial to society.
  • Comply with legislation and refuse to disseminate false information or misappropriate information and rights.

The Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group has relations with the Administration through organisations at different levels: local, regional, national and European. We collaborate when asked to do so within our capabilities and knowledge.

Ethical principles and behaviour:

  • Maintain an honest and transparent relationship with Administrations.
  • Comply with the obligations and provide information required by the Administrations.
  • Reject corruption, extortion and bribery.
  • Not to make illicit contributions to public office or political parties, respecting cooperative requirements and informing the Management and the Board of Directors.


The sanctions for conduct contrary to the Code are set out in the internal regulations of the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group and their management is described in the Incident Control Procedure.

Written warning. Suspension from employment and pay for up to two days.

  • Failure to serve the public with due care and diligence.

Written warning. Suspension from employment and pay for up to three to fifteen days.

  • Disobedience to the company’s management, someone with managerial authority, or organisation in performing their duties.
  • Blatant disrespect or disregard for the public.
  • Failure to comply with the Group’s health and safety regulations.
  • Abuse, verbally and physically, or serious lack of respect and consideration.
  • Failure to use health and safety equipment provided by the company.
  • Giving any kind of gift, which directly or indirectly influences the employment situation in whose company the gift is given.
  • Locker deterioration, introducing elements that may degrade or decompose and the sale or speculation with lockers.

Written warning. Suspension from employment and pay for up to fifteen and sixty days. Disciplinary dismissal in cases where the offences involve breach of contract.

  • Unauthorised trade or industry negotiations.
  • Unfair competition.
  • Theft and embezzlement.
  • Breach of business secrets.
  • Fights with co-workers.
  • Offensive sexual behaviour.
  • Not using safety and hygiene protection.
  • Moral or sexual harassment.
  • Arbitrary acts by superiors.
  • Failure to clean affecting the production process.
  • Drunkenness or drug dependency at work.
  • Accepting inappropriate gifts.