Scope of Personal Data Protection Policy

This personal data protection policy encompasses any processing of data that may occur in the provision of our in-person services, while navigating or interacting on any of our websites or social networks where we may have a presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). At the end of this document, special information is provided regarding the use of social networks. It also applies to any internal procedures of the company that require data collection, whether in paper forms or any other system.

In any of these mediums, you can access information, and in some cases fill out forms, answer surveys, participate in contests, make inquiries, send photographs, make comments, etc., .. and therefore provide us with personal data information. All processing is subject to our privacy policy.

Who is the Data Controller of your personal data?

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed by FRUITS DE PONENT. The group consists of the companies detailed at

The contact details are Carretera Vallmanya, km 1 25180 Alcarràs (Lleida) Tel.: +34 973 790 169. Email:

What Personal Data is collected and for what purposes?

In-person services:

We detail the personal data managed, as well as their purposes.

ServiceDataPurpose and legitimacyRecipients
MembersName, surname, address, and IDRegistration, deregistration, and all management related to their membership status, legitimized by the Catalan Cooperatives LawAs provided by law
AgronomicName, surname, telephone, email, farms, economic dataAssistance in farm management. Adjustment management. Legitimized by the contract as a memberAccredited entities.
As provided by law
Credit sectionName, surname, telephone, email, banking data, economic dataProvision of contracted service. Legitimized by the contractual relationshipBanking entities with which there is an agreement
As provided by law
InsuranceName, surname, telephone, email, banking data, economic dataSensitive dataProvision of contracted service. Legitimized by the contractual relationship. In the case of processing sensitive data, it will be legitimized with express consent.Insurance companies under the framework of the law
Fuel supply cardName, surname, and dataProvision of contracted service. Legitimized by the contractual relationshipAs provided by law
Foundation cardName, surname, ID, and email Provision of contracted service. Legitimized by the contractual relationship.As provided by law
TransportName, surname, address, telephone, email, banking dataProvision of contracted serviceAs provided by law
ImageImagePromotion of group services and products with your consentGeneral social networks

SectionDataPurpose and legitimacyRecipients
Newsletter emailemailSubscription to the newsletter legitimized by your consentFruits Ponent
Work with usName, surname, telephone, and email
Curriculum data
Part of the job bank of group companies, access to offers deemed appropriate for your profile, and participation in related selection processes.
Legitimized by the submission of the curriculum by the interested party.
Subcontracted companies to carry out the selection process
Farm shop offersemailReceive commercial information legitimized by your consentFruits Ponent
Online storeName, surnames, address, telephone, emailProvision of contracted service. Legitimized by the contractual relationshipAs provided by law

If within a specific service the processing of sensitive data is required, it will always be under the framework of compliance with a law or will require your express consent.

Your consent can be revoked at any time.

FRUITS DE PONENT uses tools to analyze user profiles, behaviors, or preferences and subsequently carry out campaigns based on this data.

Why do we use your personal data?

Below, we explain the legal basis that allows us to process your personal data.

1.- In compliance with a contractual relationship

2.- When you give us your consent.

3.- For the legitimate interest of FRUITS DE PONENT in promoting services, products, and initiatives that may be of interest.

4.- Compliance with obligations imposed by law.

We remind you that you can revoke your consent at any time at the following address:

Publication of photos or videos on the website or social networks

For the publication of photographs or videos of our employees, clients, users, or minors on the website or social networks, as well as for collecting data to conduct a contest or process any other personal data, we obtain prior, explicit, undeniable, and informed consent from the owner, which in the case of minors under 14 years of age, is granted by parents or legal guardians.

The processing of these photos complies with the principle of proportionality, that is, they are strictly processed for the purpose for which consent was given.

Irrelevant Data

FRUITS DE PONENT warns the user that, except for the existence of legally constituted representation, no user can use another person’s identity and communicate their personal data, so the user must always bear in mind that they can only provide personal data corresponding to their own identity and that these must be adequate, relevant, current, accurate, and true.

How long will we keep your data?

FRUITS DE PONENT keeps your Personal Data for as long as necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. If the guideline is different from that indicated in this policy, it will be detailed in the relevant document.

In the case of the job bank, your data will be kept for one year if the profile matches our internal demands, or 15 days if it does not.

To whom will we communicate your data?

FRUITS DE PONENT will only transfer your data in those services where indicated and in cases provided for by law.

There will be no international transfers of your personal data.

In the case of social networks, all the information and content published by the user will be communicated and shared with the rest of the users who consult that social network, due to the nature of the service itself.

Security Measures

FRUITS DE PONENT ensures the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected, and for this reason, essential security measures have been adopted to prevent alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access and thus guarantee their integrity and security.

The User undertakes to use diligently and not to make available to third parties their username and password, also committing to inform the company of any theft, loss, or risk of third-party access to their user.

What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?

RightContentChannel of attention
AccessYou may consult the personal data managed by FRUITS DE PONENTIn person: Carretera Vallmanya, Km. 1 25180 Alcarràs
RectificationYou may modify your personal data when it is inaccurate.
ErasureYou may request the deletion of your personal data.
ObjectionYou may request that your personal data not be processed.
Limitation of processingYou may request limitation of the processing of personal data in the following cases:
While the accuracy of your data is being verified
When FRUITS DE PONENT does not need to process your data, but you need it for the exercise or defense of claims.
PortabilityYou may receive in electronic format the data you have provided us in electronic format.
If you believe that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
To exercise your rights, you must accompany your request with a copy of your ID card or document proving your identity.
Exercising rights is free of charge

Social Networks

The operation of social networks is not under the control of FRUITS DE PONENT, and therefore the information you publish will be shared by all users who consult them. Likewise, these networks allow interaction with other users, and therefore, some premises that users must take into account are detailed below.

The purpose of using social networks is to give visibility and dissemination of the services provided by FRUITS DE PONENT.

In principle, the same data protection policy specified in this document applies to the collection, processing, and transfer of data.

The user must commit to:

FRUITS DE PONENT does not identify with the opinions expressed by others or with the ideology of the profiles with which they are friends on any social network.

FRUITS DE PONENT reserves the right to delete from its social networks any information published by others that violates the law, incites to do so, or contains messages that undermine the dignity of individuals or institutions. As well as blocking or reporting the profile author of these messages.

Recommendations to users

Social networks managed by the COMPANY are:
