Fruits de Ponent once again subscribes to its commitment against climate change

30 de April de 2018

Fruits de Ponent has renewed its commitment with the Catalan Climate Change Office one more year, subscribing to the Voluntary Agreements for the reduction of greenhouse gases. 

The Cooperative Group has carried out, during the last year, internal actions in its day to day industrial activity aimed at minimizing the impact of CO2 emissions. Specifically, and as specified by the office that evaluates these actions “the tendency of the organization is the reduction of emissions for each ton of fruit made through optimization measures of all light and machined elements. New investments are made under efficiency criteria “. 

The Cooperative Group has for years been signing up to the Voluntary Agreements program for the reduction of these gases and has carried out measures, such as: 

-Presence detectors to reduce use of electric lights

-Installation of air curtains to minimize loss of cold in cold storage storage

-Installation of a computer program to monitor the whole energy status of the plant and take measures to reduce consumption

– And, as a last resort, the installation of solar panels in the area of cold storage

The philosophy of the company is clear in regard to the care of the environment and nature. Fruits de Ponent has also subscribed to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and is aligned with the Climate Sustainable Development Goals.